On the Dordogne
Things in past days:
1. Swimming in the cold, light currents of the Dordogne River in a town with houses set into cliffside rocks. My balls froze a bit on that one.
2. I girl I met told me that I have a "very boyish quality". It's strange that it made me sad, I wasn't sure why. Perhaps it's because I don't want to face the eventualities that come with having an ordinary adult perspective. She hit it on the head, though. I've always felt a bit Peter Pan-like.
3. I realized this is one of those trips where the beauty of the particular sets of company, the countryside with it's rows of grapevines being picked by our friends, the music that accompanies all the soirees: (Sia, Ladyhawk, Fink) is going to sink into my bones and always remind me of my first exposure to Southern France which is an important moment of my life. The beauty and slowness and appreciation of food, wine, good company, here, is unforgettable.
4. I am buying a bottle of Pastis when I get back home to remind me of the things I have seen, felt, heard against the everpresent backdrop of the Dordogne River.
5. There is more beauty and love in life than we can possibly imagine. Easy to forget that when the train never stops.